Saturday, August 2, 2008


My great great grandmother sat in her rocker with a white cotton rag dipped in vinegar, for her headaches.  A turban?  A headwrap?
Carmen Miranda wore turbans piled high with tropical fruits.  Paul Poiret dressed his models, and his wife, in lush turbans with aigrette plumes stretching high from jewels placed at the front of the forehead, like Indian royalty.  Think of the exotica of  the Ballet Russe, and the intense oriental flavor in their costumes.  Yves St. Laurent wrapped his models heads in turbans and resurrected the look for the decade.
For the uninitiated, a turban is a foreign object, unapproachable, unwearable, and off their radar.  To those of us who rode shotgun in the 1970's and 1980's, when the 1940's look ruled, the turban is a way of life in the summertime.  On the day it's way too hot for a hat, a headwrap is a welcome escape from hair on the neck or forehead.  It extends the hairdo by a few days,until you get to a hairdresser for a blow-out.  It adds a note of insousiance to a simple dress, or flippy skirt and t.  Of course, you should do the red lipstick of your choice to perk up the hausfrau reference, and wear a great pair of shoes, but an Hermes scarf tied just so, and artfully knotted, is just what a girl needs on a hot summer day in the city.

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