Saturday, June 20, 2009

Spike the Shoe!

Wearing a cobbler’s apron crafted by Hermes, Beth Levine made magic in her studio. Beyond shoes, the Levines (Beth, and her husband, Herbert) transformed American made footwear of the prosaic loafer era into a glamourous panoply of humorous, chic, and innovative pieces that remain iconoclastic even today.

Think of Marilyn Monroe in her Springolators….the name Beth Levine is stamped indelibly onto that image.

A virtuoso of shoe-dom, Beth Levine as the design force behind the Herbert Levine brand, influenced European style with her elegant creations. This glorious technicolor book tracks the Levines from their first post War shoe factory to their last run in 1975. Ad campaigns, publicity shots, pages from Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar fashion editorials lend imaginative background to the myth and the reality of the Levine shoe.

Best of all are the artistically photographed portraits of Beth’s shoes- details captured, nuance explained. Able to make inroads in experimental and futuristic shapes and materials, the Levines’ body of work affords a broad spectrum of design research. Theatre boots, encrusted with stones a la 18th Century; modernistic Kabuki “flats” that give a floating sensation; clear vinyl; heels crafted from curls of leather; pumps covered in peacock feathers: this book is a veritable library of shoe history. Written with appropriate quotes and quips, with a dynamic forward by Harold Koda, of the Metropolitan Museum, this is one of the most important costume books in the field since “Mode in Shoes” first appeared.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Inside June Vogue Magazine

Vogue does a wedding, or rather, a wedding redux! "The Wedding Party", photograhed by Arthur Elgort, and styled by Grace Coddington re-enacts the wedding of model Sasha Pivovarova, to Igor Vishnyakov. With pages full of romantic frocks, and our headpieces, the "maids of honor" prance in a modern fanciful interpretation of a traditional wedding set of bridesmaids.
The inspiration for the Ellen Christine headpieces used came from the 1950's, popular with the mile-high hairdos of the era. The contemporary version lends itself to a casual but elegant anytime occasion, wrapped wire, leafy appliques, and silk flowers, tinted as in nature, to a subtle variation in tone.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


News on Ellen Christine's myspace :

Any day it's not raining, new Hat tales episodes are posted online so come and tchek our myspace to see the new episodes !

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Two French Students in New York

Depuis le début du mois de mai, deux étudiants français en commerce international ont intégré la boutique New Yorkaise, Ellen Christine Millinery.

Denise & Hervé travaillent au développement du marketing dans cet endroit en proie à la créativité de Chelsea.

Peut-être d'ailleur avez-vous déjà pu les apercevoir, coiffés de leurs chapeaux favoris, un gangster fedora pour l'un et une cloche des années 20 pour l'autre, arpentant les rues New Yorkaise avec une grosse boîte à chapeaux.

C'est maintenant après avoir pris leurs marques au sein de l'entreprise en réalisant une opération pour le May Madness du S3 group qu'ils s'attanquent au développement de la griffe au sein de la grosse pomme.

Objectif, ne plus voir une seule tête nue ou qui ne saurait pas où l'on trouve les chapeaux les plus extravagants et sophistiqués de New York.

Vous allez pouvoir retrouver en ligne plus d'épisode de " Hat Tales" et encore bien d'autres projets.

Alors restez bien attentifs, dans un mois ils nous quittent, peut-être nous réservent-ils encore des surprises qui sait ... ?

Translation :

Since the beginning of May, two French students who are studying International Trade in Jean Lurçat in Paris began their internship in the New York boutique, Ellen Christine Millinery.

Denise & Hervé are working on marketing development in this place full of Chelsea creativity. You may already have seen them wearing their favorite hats, a gangster fedora for one and a 1920’s cloche for the other, walking through the streets of New York City with a big hat box.

They have just finished the project for May Madness (S3 group) and now they are ready to attack their plan to further integrate the Ellen Christine label into the Big Apple.

The goal: no more naked heads and letting people know where to find the most extravagant and sophisticated hats of NY

You will find further episodes of “Hat Tales” online and more projects to come.

So pay attention, in one month they are leaving us so who knows what surprises they have in store?

Written by Hervé and Denise