Saturday, July 17, 2010

O Hatty Day

The American Cancer Society recommends "2-3 inch brims", to shield your lovely features from harmful UV rays, as a preventative proactive step in protection. We advise our clients to step outside in the sun,and give it a test, granted the sun is shining,and you have an outside they can step into.
Although straw isn't the material of choice for the AMA/ACS, we recommend certain straws because we don't like synthetics. Our hats can be lined upon request, and there are very tightly woven straws on the market that allow breathability, as well as protection, as key elements.
The most important element to us in a hat is that it looks fabulous on the wearer. Every face has a hat, in spite of what the common train of thought may be. Not every store has every shape, proportion, style, color, material, so it's not easy to track that one perfect hat down.
Remember that some faces work best with an "architectural" shape: more squared off, not rounded on the crown.
Hat styles aren't universal, but their lot in life certainly is: to protect us from the elements, and/or to help us look sensational. there are thousands of hats out there, people, so make it a goal: go get a hat today!

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