The OED ( Oxford English Dictionary) defines “bal masque” in short shrift : “masked ball”, and states as it’s origin : French. The French may very well have brought the art of masquerade to a pinnacle, but costumes are loved the world over. After all, any opera or theatre piece in effect becomes a bal masque, as the actors are all garbed as alter egos. And actually, costume is something we also put on everyday, to go to work, or school. It's the uniform we wear through school, or the shirt and tie we put on every day. But here, we're discussing an extra-ordinary occasion, when a "costume" is a special article of clothing or an ensemble that helps us to change visibly into someone or something else in an instant. Dressing in a costume becomes a definitive way of shedding inhibition when it’s cloaked in velvet and sequins. An uber-costume.
Choosing a costume sometimes bleeds into the psychological boundaries we place on ourselves in everyday life. Our favorite characters in literature, or popular culture are invoked all around the world once we step into satin breeches or a vampire's mantle. History can play a part in the inspiration of costume, too, as we stream personage famous or infamous before the curious eyes of the beholders. Halloween has become that day when the erstwhile Headless Horseman can roam suburban neighborhoods alongside the likes of Edward Scissorhands, accompanied by his own personal Bride of Dracula. Movies are fodder for ideas, and costume pop-up shops have become as common across the land as mushrooms every Fall. Which character are you?
With the popularization of readymade mass -produced boxed costumes sold at Woolworth’s, the 1950’s were underlined with Roy Rogerses, Lone Rangers, and many a cowboy hero from the then new entertainment called television.
Contemporary horror flicks, vastly popular since Mary Shelley first penned “Frankenstein” , have helped create a crop of home-grown zombies, draculettes, and sundry dead and decaying creatures. But costume is not defined by Halloween alone. Throughout history, in royal court and private manse, the Bal Masque has stood as an outlet for this personification projection in any season. Not limited to one day or one ghost- filled night per year, the Bal Masque lends a theme to a superlative party, to the crowded streets of New Orleans at Mardi Gras time, or the canals of Venice, with their richesse of silks and tricornes.
Comicon is a strolling feast for the eye of the beholder, with fans of subculture, popular culture and mythology dressed to fit the bill. Whether that bill is Dr. Who, Jamie Fraser or The Flash is a simple personal choice of the costume- garbed . Whom do you love? Become that person for a day. Favorite hero? Salve your worries and insecurities in drag, or caped, tiara-d, or masked. Halloween spirit, extended to Silly Putty boundaries.
In 1966, when Truman Capote invoked the spirit of long- forgotten party demons and threw his Black and White Ball at the Plaza in New York City, the hoi polloi flocked to mingle with each other, all rich and famous , bedecked in finery .
The Metropolitan Museum Ball every year recreates this same spirit, with celebrities walking a red carpet, in costume or simply fancy dress. The bolder, braver souls take any costume opportunity to the limit, and use their expertise and resources to come up with the perfect evocative ensemble.
Costume plays an important part in entertainment , with children and adults participating in momentary delusion and just having fun with it all.
For those of you who say “I don’t do costumes” : we say: “Why not?”. We already know the answer. Whether it’s your own personal fear that disallows you from wearing a hat, or your own lack of imagination, we can vouch for the fun of dressing up. Becoming that blonde bombshell, or dead diva isn’t really a transformation. It’s simply an extension of what you are inside. And that, as Martha Stewart has been known to say, is a good thing.
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