Meaning, I must have new, exciting, different, outre hat references every single day......for years I've been on a diet, the no-hat diet......except in my own little world, that is. People think hats are a bit much, and want something as small as physically that a bobby pin, or a hat?
Hollywood used to be the forerunner of fashion, aptly predicting the trends by establishing them. If Roz Russell wore a silly fruity number in a shot of "The Women", fruit was happening for Spring. If feathers were floating from Garbo's hat in Queen Christine, then birds were in trouble indeed that season. Ah, gone are the days of the Silver Screen impact.......not like days of yore, at any rate.......sure, the Pirate in Johnny Depp's soul will make Holloween happen forever every October 31st, and Marc Jacobs uses the tricorne as a Fall 08 shape on the runway. Daily life precudes the wearing of hats for some reason, notwithstanding the fedora on Britney, the porkpie on JT, or the fedora on Indiana Jones. So this year, with hats all over the place in films, on the pages of the glossies (lots of Ellen Christine hats to be seen in those magazines), on Young Hollywood, and now, at your local movieplex in The Duchess, my strict diet is over. It seems that hats are allowed to be in the common vernacular once more! Hooray!
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