Friday, January 2, 2009

Friends and Family

Happy New Year, to one and all.  If you were outside in New York on New Year's Eve, I do hope you've thawed out by now!
Open houses all over town, and in the tri-state area, to continue the festivities, and say hello to friends and family.
At Ellen Christine, we're holding our semi-annual Friends and Family come and get it: 50% discount, on anything in the shop.  We can't include custom orders in this, but you're all welcome to come in and get a cocktail hat, a fedora, or a whimsical something to add to your collection. Our holiday season lasts until Three Kings Day, so that's the last day of the F&F.  We already have new ideas on board from the 2009 collection, so if you're thinking spring, straw, or Derby, come in and get something wonderful .
Yes, you can tell your girlfriends, your guy friends, and any relative you still love.
And thank you all for all the fun we've had in 2008 making hats for everyone.  May the hat moments grow more numerous, and may all of your heads be covered in 2009!
Happy New Year!
Ellen Christine

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