What to do when the dog has ran off into the lake with your favorite Montecristi panama hat? How do you deal with a rain-soaked felt Borsalino? After you pull your favorite hat out of that mud puddle, what do you do now?
We get hundreds of calls and emails about restoration, re-sizing, reblocking, and simple R&R for hats, and some of the stories are not to be believed. Your husband won't give up that ratty misshapen thing on his head that makes him feel like Jimmy Stewart? Sneak it out of the house, let us give it a brush and steam, change the ribbon, and he'll probably just think he looks extra handsome........you'll know, but he won't..........
When your daughter wants your Mom's old Easter hat......bring it to me, and we'll resize, and even re-design it to fit her style......
Many are the feathers we've had to steam, re-dye, reposition.........
As much thought and technique goes into restoration in the truest sense as into designing a collection . The re-furbishing is simple sometimes, and sometimes not,but it's always worth a question, and look-see, and an attempt. There's nothing like a favorite hat to perk up your mindset......unless it's a new hat.
Get yourself a good brush, and don't use it on the dog. Get a light colored one, and a dark one, for different shades of felt and straw. When you brush a hat, just as when you brush a garment, you're removing topical dirt that will end up lodged in a crevice, creating muck and ultimately damage. Start early in the life of the hat, and keep it up.... your hat wardrobe deserves it.
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