When the New York Magazine planned on doing a shot of the women of Almodovar's "Women on the Verge", they called around for "pillbox" hats for the shoot. This is an example of how history happens, hat lovers.
What we call a pillbox, is of course, a real deal, invented eons ago, but made ever so popular by Halston's winning design for Jackie Kennedy when she was Madame Mrs. President. The pillbox, oft seen in Turkish references, and Victorian libraries (men wore them as "smoking" caps, to keep the smell of cigar smoke from their Macassar oil-slicked hair), has now become a word with many meanings. As is the wont of the fashion press, invention is the mother of necessity, and the word becomes the reality as per job requirement. A pillbox to the young set may now seem to be a smallish, head-hugging anything of a cute little hat, with or sans veil. Whether it be the shape that gave it it's name, or the contemporary translation of the concept, little hats have made their mark and their comeback!
Look out world!