Miss West, a demoiselle in the film and theatre, made hay during the early years of the West village heydays, buddies with Texas Guinan, and drag stars of the era. She got herself in trouble with the law, and censorship when she wrote a few plays about gay boys, drag stars, and men in general, totally from her winning point of view. In trouble, I say, and tossed into the clink in the West Village......dragged into court, (note the pun) and much publicized because of the moral issues at hand. What a gal! Mae West could have promoted an igloo in a Florida retirement community.......
Boy could she belt it out, too...Mae West ruled the boards of Broadway, and set fire to the film canisters in Hollywood, all the while making more and more money doing what she did best: making waves.
LindaAnn Loschiavo has written a play about the infamous time of Mae West's life in NYC, during the Prohibition Era in NYC, calling it : "Courting Mae West". Linda is one of our wonderful customers/clients, and wears hats incessantly, by the way. As an historian, and a raconteuse, she can't be beat......she can tie a storyline together better than Walter Winchell ever could.
We're looking forward to the play, which closes Tuesday evening, July 22, after a run at the Algonquin Theatre. Join us, and we'll go out for sidecars afterwards!
You make it all sound so entrancing. Who did the headpieces for "Mae" on stage, and what are you wearing on your head to this end of show endeavor?
We did pieces for the first run of the show, but not this version...........I'll wear a jeweled headband.............very 1920's, with no obstrucion of view...
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