This weekend, while at the 1920's gig on Governor's Island I surreptitiously conducted a little survey. Under the heat, a comely young miss put on the largest brimmed panama straw I had brought with me, and exclaimed at the difference in temperature! No coaching from the peanut gallery. Of course she bought it, to keep it for was more of a reality check than a hat, I feel. And she looked beyond great in it......
Because we make hats and wear hats, and have them around everywhere, under plates, under the bed, under more hats......we forget they create a different environment for civilians. While dozens of friendly faces came to our spot under the trees to try on a cloche or two, they came with a shred of trepidation all the same. Bizarre how a little hat can cause such a stir........I think it's something everyone wants to try on for size......size psychological, not real size.....and see whether their friends laugh in horror, or gasp in awe. At a casual venue like this , it's more than a looky-Lou environment, rather more an automatically permissive one. Sorta like being at the Saturday night dance, kicking it up with that boy you wanted to flirt with, just because you could, with no flak from the infield. When you and your buds can all try hats on, and feel no pressure, and no judgement, hats can be friendly little things. And who knows, that moment of Epiphany might come when you realize what it's doing for you: it's keeping you cool, and making you look like the dish- of -the- day out in the big, wide world!
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