Monday, June 16, 2008


Here's the 'splainin':   Monday is my Friday.....not because it's a weekend, but because I get to kick back and play with my stuff.  As in warehouse, studio, or on my settee.........the joys of a minute to think, design, plan, as well as wash, dye, block, mold, drape............that's the hatworld, folks.  
Today I had to pull for Ralph the industry (rag, that is), designers often use antique textiles and clothing for reference and inspiration.  Usually, my agent deals with the design folk, since I'm busy making hats and tending to the hat wearing masses, so all I have to do is imagine what the designer in question would like, bag it up, and send it off on speculation, quite frequently.  For example,  Eugenia Kim will come in for vintage hats, or visual research;  the designer from Coach will drop by to see what's up in the shop.  This, on a daily basis, as well as the magazine shoots , campaign shoots, stylists' comissioning specialty pieces , makes for a very interesting day at Ellen Christine.  
For example, this weekend, we did the campaign for Baby Phat.  That means the stylist comes in, reviews what we have in stock, and rents several pieces to use in the photoshoot........check you local magazine for our hats in lots of situations like this.
By the way, we're in the current Bergdorf Goodman catalogue (Pre-Fall).  Shameless stroking, there.
Shoots like these do not carry credits, because the product is not available from that particular company. But when you see advertorials in magazines, they're usually propped from design inspiration sources.  It makes for a mad hat mentality, and hopefully, raises the awareness in the mind and eye of the buying public. Are you getting my hint, here, folks? Come in and get yourself a hat.
Mondays are prep day, and I can usually do that in between a manicure, or a massage, or drinks on the water somewhere...........
It's a fun thing, this world we live in, no?

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